Publications of Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wellens

Last update: September 4th, 2011

All below work has been done during my Ph.D. studies at RWTH Aachen University with the Institute for Networked Systems.



M. Wellens, “Empirical Modelling of Spectrum Use and Evaluation of Adaptive Spectrum Sensing in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks”, Ph.D. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, May 2010.


Journal Publications

M. Wellens and P. Mähönen, “Lessons Learned from an Extensive Spectrum Occupancy Measurement Campaign and a Stochastic Duty Cycle Model,” Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, Special Issue on Advances In Wireless Testbeds and Research Infrastructures, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 461-474, June 2010.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Spatial Statistics and Models of Spectrum Use,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Systems, vol. 32, no. 18, pp. 1998-2011, December 2009.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Empirical Time and Frequency Domain Models of Spectrum Use,” Elsevier Physical Communication, Special issue on Cognitive Radio: Algorithms & System Design, vol. 2, no. 1-2, pp. 10-32, March-June 2009.

M. Wellens, A. de Baynast, and P. Mähönen, “On the Performance of Dynamic Spectrum Access based on Spectrum Occupancy Statistics,” IET Communications, Special Issue on Cognitive Spectrum Access, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 772-782, July 2008.

M. Sooriyabandara, T. Farnham, C. Efthymiou, M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, A. Gefflaut, J. A. Galache, D. Melpignano, and A. van Rooijen, “Unified Link Layer API: A Generic and Open API to Manage Wireless Media Access,” Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 962-979, March 2008.


Conference Papers

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Evaluation of Adaptive MAC-Layer Sensing in Realistic Spectrum Occupancy Scenarios,” in Proc. of IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Singapore, April 2010.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Modelling Primary System Activity in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks by Aggregated ON/OFF-Processes,” in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software Defined Radio Networks (SDR), held in conjunction with IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Rome, Italy, June 2009.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, M. Gordziel, and P. Mähönen, "Spatial Statistics of Spectrum Usage: From Measurements to Spectrum Models,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.

J. Riihijärvi, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Measuring Complexity and Predictability in Networks with Multiscale Entropy,” in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.

M. Wellens and P. Mähönen, “Lessons Learned from an Extensive Spectrum Occupancy Measurement Campaign and a Stochastic Duty Cycle Model,” in Proc. of International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom),Washington, DC, USA, April 2009.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, M. Gordziel, and P. Mähönen, “Evaluation of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Large Scale Measurements,” in Proc. of IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Chicago, IL, USA, October 2008.

J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, M. Wellens, and M. Gordziel, “Characterization and Modelling of Spectrum for Dynamic Spectrum Access with Spatial Statistics and Random Fields,” in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Radios and Networks (CRNETS), in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, France, September 2008.

J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, and M. Wellens, “Metrics for Characterizing Complexity of Network Traffic,” in Proc. of International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2008.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Evaluation of Spectrum Occupancy using Approximate and Multiscale Entropy Metrics,” in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software Defined Radio Networks (SDR), in conjunction with IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2008.

Y. Mertens, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Broadcast Schemes for IEEE 802.11-based Vehicular Networks,” in Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Singapore, May 2008, pp. 3042–3046.

M. Wellens, A. de Baynast, and P. Mähönen, “Exploiting Historical Spectrum Occupancy Information for Adaptive Spectrum Sensing,” in Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, April 2008, pp. 717–722.

M. Wellens, J. Wu, and P. Mähönen, “Evaluation of spectrum occupancy in indoor and outdoor scenario in the context of cognitive radio,” in Proc. of International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom), Orlando, FL, USA, August 2007, pp. 420–427.

K. Rerkrai, J. Riihijärvi, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Unified Link-Layer API Enabling Portable Protocols and Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2007, pp. 3237–3243.

M. Wellens, B. Westphal, and P. Mähönen, “Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11-based WLANs in Vehicular Scenarios,” in Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Dublin, Ireland, April 2007, pp. 1167–1171.

J. Ansari, J. Sanchez, M. Petrova, J. Riihijärvi, O. Raivio, K. Rerkrai, C. Jardak, F. Oldewurtel, M. Wellens, L. Wu, and P. Mähönen, “Flexible Hardware/Software Platform for Tracking Applications,” in Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Dublin, Ireland, April 2007, pp. 6–10.

J. Ansari, J. Sanchez, M. Petrova, J. Riihijärvi, O. Raivio, K. Rerkrai, C. Jardak, F. Oldewurtel, M. Wellens, L. Wu, and P. Mähönen, “Flexible Hardware/Software Platform for Tracking Applications,” Demonstration abstract in Proc. of ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Boulder, CO, USA, November 2006, pp. 355–356.

M. Wellens, J. Riihijärvi, K. Rerkrai, M. Bandholz, and P. Mähönen, “Enabling Seamless Vertical Handovers Using Unified Link-Layer API,” in Proc. of IEE Mobility Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2006.

M. Bandholz, A. Gefflaut, J. Riihijärvi, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Unified Link-Layer API Enabling Wireless-Aware Applications,” in Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, September 2006.

J. Riihijärvi, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Link-Layer Abstractions for Utility-Based Optimization in Cognitive Wireless Networks,” in Proc. of Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom), Mykonos, Greece, June 2006.

M. Sooriyabandara, T. Farnham, C. Efthymiou, M. Wellens, K. Rerkrai, M. Bandholz, P. Mähönen, J. Riihijärvi, D. Melpignano, D. Siorpaes, A. Gefflaut, and V. V. Gutiérrez, “Unified Link Layer API: Design and Initial Implementation Results,” in Proc. of IST Mobile Summit, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006.

J. Riihijärvi, M. Wellens, P. Mähönen, and A. Gefflaut, “Implementation and Demonstration of Unified Link-Layer API,” Demonstration abstract in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.

P. Mähönen, M. Petrova, J. Riihijärvi, and M. Wellens, “Cognitive Wireless Networks: Your Network Just Became a Teenager,” Poster abstract in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.

M. Petrova, L. Wu, M. Wellens, and P. Mähönen, “Hop of No Return: Practical Limitations of Wireless Multi-Hop Networking,” in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality (REALMAN), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS), Santorini, Greece, July 2005.

M. Wellens, M. Petrova, J. Riihijärvi, and P. Mähönen, “Building a better wireless mousetrap: Need for more realism in simulations,” in Proc. of Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), St. Moritz, Switzerland, January 2005, pp. 150–157.


Patent application

P. Mähönen, M. Wellens, M. Petrova, and D. Melpignano, “Method and System for Spectrum Management in Communication Networks, corresponding Network and Computer Program Product,” patent application, application number 12/725,977, publication number US 2010/0240316 A1, March 2010.


Non-scientific publication

M. Wellens and P. Mähönen, “Intelligente Funker. Funkmodule passen sich dynamisch an ihre Umgebung an," c’t magazin für computer und technik, no. 2/2010, pp. 146–149, February 2010.



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